Things you may not realize your home insurance doesn’t cover

Understanding the Limitations of Home Insurance with Crown Reinas Insurance Agency

While the state of California doesn’t require home insurance, mortgage lenders typically require it. It provides valuable protection and peace of mind. However, it’s important to understand that home insurance does not cover certain things. At Crown Reinas Insurance Agency, our agents can clarify these limitations and suggest endorsements or separate policies for additional coverage.

Flood Damage

Floods can cause significant damage, and just one inch of water can result in thousands of dollars in losses. Changing weather patterns have led to increased flood risk even in previously negligible areas. Flood insurance is offered through the National Flood Insurance Program and private carriers, and it can be added to your existing coverage for comprehensive protection.

Earth Movements

California is uniquely susceptible to earthquakes and other earth movements. That’s why insurance agents are required to offer you earthquake coverage if your home is in California. The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) provides earthquake coverage to more than a million California residents, but it’s not the only coverage your insurance agent can offer.

Wear and Tear

Items age and break down over time. This is considered wear and tear. If you have an old roof that needs replacement to prevent causing damage to the rest of your home, it wouldn’t be covered under the owner neglect exclusion.

Owner Neglect

Owner neglect can cover a wide array of cases. Insurance companies expect owners to keep their homes in good repair. So, if you have termite infestation because you didn’t get your home treated, this would fall under owner neglect and wouldn’t be covered.

If you live in California, feel free to contact our office at Crown Reinas Insurance Agency to discuss your home insurance needs. We can help you understand the details of your policy and find the right coverage for your home.